The Point
This week a strategy consultant sought my advice about engaging counsel on the legal implications of a project. I explained that her project was in an area where governing law was relatively straightforward. Though attorneys need to do lots of expensive work to address some situations, this project was not one of them.
I cautioned that too many firms incentivize lawyers into framing business issues so as to insert more complexity, more complication, and more uncertainty than the situation warrants. And then bill accordingly. So she needed to carefully select trustworthy, client-focused counsel.
From my email later that day:
” … In connection with my apologies earlier for possible cynicism about having to carefully manage one’s lawyers, the linked tweet from an attorney and technology expert I admire (Alex Su) illustrates why I am so cautious … The law can be an honorable profession, but clients need to be realistic about the perverse incentives their lawyers are working under.” Continue reading