Articles Posted in Fixed Fees as Driver of Efficiency


The Point

From Radiant Law Founder Alex Hamilton’s brief interview video contained within LexisNexis’ lengthy new report, Calling Time on the Billable Hour:

“When we started Radiant, what was absolutely clear to us was that the incentives were all messed up within law firms … If you’ve worked … like I have as a partner of a big law firm, you know that there is a huge amount of silly activities that are not really adding value and are being charged to the client at huge rates.

” … We knew that we had to fix the incentive problem … no hourly billing. What has that meant for us? It’s meant that we are at risk … We’ve had to figure out how to do deals or write business contracts in a way that we’re not constantly losing.

“Because we know the game, the initial estimate is always blown through in the hourly billing world. If you have to live with a fixed price, and really live with a fixed price, then you’ve got to get better at how you do it.” Continue reading

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